Sunday, January 4, 2009

Proof of Concept - Overview

The first thing to do is a proof of concept to make sure that IB API - Java - JRuby will all work together. So a number of installs and sample programs need to be written.

Here is the task list (details of each step to follow in separate posts):

  1. Obtain paper trading user name and password for Trader Work Station. This account will be used for testing.
  2. Install IB's Application Program Interface Software (v 9.51) - This is IB's proprietary API. The trading robot will use these APIs to interact with Trader Work Station.
  3. Install Java SE SDK (v 5.0 Update 17) and Netbeans - Java SDK will enable Java programs and create Java Archive (.jar) files. Netbeans integrated development environment will be used to work with Java and Ruby code.
  4. Compile and run IB's Java test client.
  5. Create Java Archive file (.jar) with IB API classes.
  6. Install JRuby (v 1.1.6) .
  7. Enable Ruby plugins in NetBeans.
  8. Write Ruby programs to test IB API running in JRuby.

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